Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I have but one master

I have but one Master
If Satan wins, it will be a disaster
Thank you dear friends and love one for sharing kind words and hope
It gave me strength today to help me cope
Like Jeff said, hope is around the corner
If I would only look a little further
I will pick myself up each day
And deal with "come what may"
I know God has not me forsaken
I just need to remember I am not forgotten
With friend and family like you out there
How could I stay down, when you care
Hello, have I lost my mind somewhere
When I still have a daughter and son who care
I should rejoice when I had McKay for twenty years
And not ruin his memories by shading tears
If I take the time to hear my McKay
he would say, "mama, it's all gonna be Okay."


Jacki's travels said...

Your strength amazes me!

Connie Burrows said...

Beautiful thoughts! We love you all.